In their own Words by Phil Vance
Portraits rendered in quotes by their respective subjects. Hand written by artist Phil Vance

Willy Tea in his own Words
Willy Tea Taylor Portrait rendered in his Lyrics

The Joker
The Joker portrayed by Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight, rendered in quotes from the movie.

Winston Churchill in his own words
Winston Churchill rendered in his own words. Background done in speeches from WW2. Hand painted in acrylics.

Audrey Hepburn in her own words - Phil Vance
Word Portrait of Audrey Hepburn rendered in her quotes.
Original SOLD. Prints available @ FineArtAmerica

M.C. Escher in his own words - Phil Vance
M.C. Escher's infamous self portrait rendered in quotes by the artist.
Original $6,000 Prints available @ FineArtAmerica

Willem de Kooning in his own words - Phil Vance
Willem de Kooning rendered in his quote, "I don't paint to live, I live to paint."
Original $4,000 Prints available @ FineArtAmerica

Mark Twain in his own words - Phil Vance
Mark Twain rendered in his quotes.
Original $10,000 Prints available @ FineArtAmerica

Ryan & Savannah
Ryan and Savannah in their Wedding Vows

Charlie Chaplin in his own words - Phil Vance
Charlie Chaplin rendered in his Speech from, "The Great Dictator"
Original $3,000.00 Prints available @ FineArtAmerica

Johnny Cash - God's Gonna Cut You Down - Phil Vance
Johnny Cash rendered in the lyrics to his cover of the song, "God's gonna cut you down"
Original $3,000 Prints available @ FineArtAmerica

Pablo Picasso in his own words - Phil Vance
Pablo Picasso rendered in his quotes about art.
Original SOLD. Prints available @ FineArtAmerica

Albert Einstein in his own words - Phil Vance
Albert Einstein rendered in his quote, "Imagination is more important than knowledge."
Original SOLD. Prints available @ FineArtAmerica

Hauna Richards in her own words - Phil Vance
Hauna rendered in her quotes on love.
Original SOLD. Prints available @ FineArtAmerica

Mitch Hedberg in his own jokes - Phil Vance
Comedian Mitch Hedberg rendered in his jokes.
Original SOLD Prints available @ FineArtAmerica

Joseph Goebbels in his own words - Phil Vance
Joseph Goebbels rendered in his quote, "A lie told once remains a lie, but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth."

Nikola Tesla in his own words - Phil Vance
Nikola Tesla rendered in his quote, "We build but to tear down. Most of our work and resource is squandered. Our onward march is marked by devastation. Everywhere there is an appalling loss of time, effort and life."
Original $6,000 Prints available @ FineArtAmerica

Nina Donovan in her own words - Phil Vance
Poet Nina Donovan rendered in the words from her poem, "Nasty Woman."
Original $3,000 Prints available @ FineArtAmerica
(Per Nina's request, in exchange for using her poem, half of any proceeds made on this portrait will go to Planned Parenthood.)

Bob Dylan in his own lyrics - Phil Vance
Bob Dylan rendered in lyrics from his songs. Commissioned piece, prints not available.

Edward Abbey in his own words - Phil Vance
Edward Abbey rendered in his quotes. Commissioned piece, prints not available.